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  Truss Budget Tool

This budget tool is designed to help you approximate truss costs. Be sure to try different options with each input to see what will be most efficient!

Please note that this tool is offered completely as-is for information purposes only. This is not a proposal, quote, or any other type of offer to perform services or supply goods. The values returned represent what one of our customers might see and does not include any markups (GCs, CMs, etc) or associated costs (coordination, design review, inspections, taxes) outside of our operations. This is intended to represent a project of medium complexity; a very complex project will be more expensive and a simpler project will be less expensive. It should also be noted that every project is different and the preparation of a formal proposal is a very involved event; thus, this should be considered a rough approximation.

If you are unsure about the meaning of any of the terms on this page, we recommend you contact one of our sales representatives for an explanation.
Roofing / Spacing
Please identify the truss spacing you wish to use. In some situations, a modest savings can be obtained through other options, but the following is a good rule of thumb:

Truss Shape
What is the roof pitch? (?/12)

How far do the trusses have to span between bearings?
How tall is the truss above its bearings? (use the smallest value of the major bearing locations)

Loading Criteria
Top chord live load or snow load (20 is typical)
lb / sq. ft.

Top chord dead load (10-15 is typical)
lb / sq. ft.

Bottom chord live load (0-10 is typical)
lb / sq. ft.

Bottom chord dead load (5-15 is typical)
lb / sq. ft.
Wind speed

Truss elevation

Truss Height
What percentage of the trusses will be more than 10.5' tall?

Project Size
How much flat square footage will the trusses cover? Be sure to include overhang area!

sq. ft.
How far is this project from Locust (Charlotte), North Carolina?


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